Author Archives: Michael Large
Another case filed against Holston Manor Nursing Home
Large and Associates has agreed to represent the victim of yet another tragic incident at Holston Manor Nursing Home. A resident who entered the facility to rehabilitate an orthopedic injury developed a Stage 4 bedsore with just a few days … Continue reading
Greystone Healthcare Center (nursing home) Blountivlle, TN
We recently filed a wrongful death action against Greystone Healthcare Center nursing home, located in Blountville, Tennessee. The decedent was admitted to this facility due to its purportedly having an advanced care team for respiratory illness. The mother of client … Continue reading
Choking Death Case against Holston Manor–Settled
The wrongful death action filed against Holston Manor in Kingsport, TN which we posted about last year has been resolved for a confidential amount. Family; nursing home and attorneys obtained mediator to help resolve this horrible matter.
January 2015 Investigating New Nursing Home Case against Holston Manor…
As of the time of this post, we have been are continuing to investigate Holston Manor of Kingsport, Tennessee at the request of the family of what seems to be another pointless death. The decedent in this case was a … Continue reading
Former owner of The Brian Center Nursing Home indicted criminally for fraud.
This story just came out this week. Its interesting to our nursing home abuse department because we have an on going civil case for wrongful death against this facility. This article lists the “owner” as “Avi Klien”. However, Mr. Klien, … Continue reading
How to Choose a Nursing Home
Placing a loved one in a nursing home is hard and stressful. How do you choose? Many families make the mistake simply to choose one that is closest to home. This can be a mistake because there can be huge … Continue reading
Johnson City Bar avoids liquior liability law.
I would like to say we are like the old TV character, Perry Mason that fictional TV Lawyer who never lost a case. However, the real world can’t always be that way. No matter the talent or how hard you … Continue reading
Injury in a “Border Town”
Automobile accidents in a border town such as Bristol Tennessee and Bristol Virginia can provide challenges even for experienced attorneys. Automobile Accident law differs in each state. For example, the statute of limitations in Virginia is two years. On the … Continue reading
Large and Associates investigating new case…Holston Manor, Kingsport, TN
FEBRUARY 2014. Large and Associates recently filed a lawsuit against Holston Manor, a nursing home in Kingsport, Tennessee. Large and Associates is representing the family of a victim of a loved one who due to weakness was at a high … Continue reading